The 2014 festival promises to be even more spectacular! Plus: VIFF offered $19,500 in cash prizes plus another $25,000 in services and prize packs to filmmakers as part of five adjudicated awards. By the time our 16-day festival had wrapped, 130,000 attendees had been dazzled by the top films from more than 75 countries. Last year, 341 films played on nine screens in seven venues. The Vancouver International Film Festival has long been one of the largest and most successful film festivals in North America. AFF strives to present the best contemporary films that provide insight into the beauty, complexity and diversity of the Arab world alongside realistic perspectives on Arab people, culture, art, history and politics. To submit please visit the Call for Entries page.ģ3rd Annual Vancouver International Film Festival September 25 to October 10, 2014 Deadlines approaching! The festival has an international standing and is considered one of the most important Arab film festivals outside the Arab world. The Arab Film Festival is the largest independent annual showcase of Arab films and filmmakers in the country. AFF annually showcases works by independent filmmakers that provide insightful and innovative perspectives on Arab people, culture, art, history and politics. The Arab Film Festival is now accepting submissions for the 18th Annual Arab Film Festival to be held in the San Francisco Bay Area in October 2014. Any tips welcome.18th Arab Film Festival October 10- 23, 2014 Do any of you have a recommendation on a good course or book for a beginner? I've done plenty of searches, but the courses all seem to be language-specific, and I don't know which programming language would be most helpful for customizing TVPaint. PS.I have never used scripts or done any programming before. I then did a search on my computer for ".grg" and all I found were the older ones in my old Library>Mirage folder.

I did a search on my Mac for "george" and I did find something called George.bundle way deep inside TVPaint>Contents>Resources>Plugins, but I don't know how to open it. but I was not able to find these folders in those directories. "C:/program files/TVPaint Animation Pro/George For Microsoft Windows usersĪpplication/TVPaint Animation Pro/George For Apple OS-X users" The User Guide says that the George scripts are located in these folders: Hi, again.This past weekend I decided to look into using George scripts, but I was not able to find them on either my PC or Mac.